Tuyên Quang focuses on promoting the digital economy across five key sectors

19/02/2025 - 07:50
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In order to achieve the goal of a digital economy accounting for 20% of GRDP, creating a breakthrough in the digital transformation process, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Document No. 569/UBND-THCBKS directing departments, branches, and localities to aggressively implement solutions to promote the digital economy in each field.

Promoting the development of smart agriculture is one of the five key sectors

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directed departments, branches, localities, and enterprises to focus on promoting the digital economy in five key sectors: E-commerce, Smart Tourism, Smart Agriculture, Smart Manufacturing, and Smart Logistics. At the same time, synchronize the digital infrastructure, such as integrating digital signatures into online public services, organizing training and advocacy on digital financial transactions, electronic identification, and authentication...

The leading agencies include: the Department of Information and Communications, the Department of Industry and Trade, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, the People's Committee of districts and cities, coordinating closely with relevant agencies and units to ensure the progress of implementing the assigned tasks.

According to the direction, Tuyen Quang Province has set important targets for 2025, including: the digital economy contributing 20% of the provincial GRDP; the share of the digital economy in each sector reaching at least 10%; the share of e-commerce in total retail sales reaching over 10%; over 80% of the population aged 15 and above having payment accounts; over 50% of the adult population using digital signatures; 80% of the adult population having electronic identification accounts (VNeID).

Nguyen Thanh Hieu


Tìm kiếm


Giấy phép xuất bản số: 142/GP-TTĐT ngày 19/12/2023 của Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông.
Chịu trách nhiệm chính: Chánh Văn phòng UBND tỉnh, Trưởng Ban biên tập
Trụ sở: Văn phòng UBND tỉnh Tuyên Quang, số 160, đường Trần Hưng Đạo, phường Minh Xuân, thành phố Tuyên Quang
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