Tuyen Quang Promotes Experiential Tourism

15/11/2024 - 13:32
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Tuyen Quang, Vietnam – With its stunning landscapes, fresh air, and cool climate, Tuyen Quang is emerging as a popular destination for adventurous travelers seeking unique experiences.

Rowing on Na Hang lake (A Photo shot by Hung Anh)

Recognizing the potential of tourism as a key economic driver, the province has been actively developing diverse tourism products and services to cater to the changing preferences of visitors. The goal is to create a year-round destination, offering something for everyone, regardless of the season.

Summer-heat Escapes in the Highlands

One of the most popular summer destinations is Hồng Thái commune in Na Hang district. Located at an altitude of over 1,200 meters above sea level, this highland area offers refreshing cool temperatures, even during the hottest months.

Visitors can indulge in various activities, such as:

  • Cloud Hunting: Witnessing the mesmerizing spectacle of clouds rolling through the valleys.
  • Kayaking and Fishing: Exploring the serene waters of Na Hang Lake.
  • Camping and Trekking: Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding forests.
  • Waterfall Adventures: Discovering hidden waterfalls like Khuổi Nhi and Mơ, where visitors can swim, relax, and enjoy a natural fish spa.

A Corner of Terrace Rice Field (A photo shot by Hoang Hung)

Beyond the Summer Months

Tuyên Quang's appeal extends beyond the summer season. The province boasts a rich cultural heritage, with numerous historical and religious sites, including the "Đền Cảnh Xanh" temple, a popular pilgrimage destination.

Pear flowers (A photo on Vietrantour)

To ensure sustainable tourism development, Tuyên Quang is prioritizing community engagement, environmental protection, and the preservation of local traditions. By fostering a welcoming atmosphere and offering authentic experiences, the province aims to position itself as a must-visit destination for travelers from all walks of life.

Nguyen Thanh Hieu


Tìm kiếm


Giấy phép xuất bản số: 142/GP-TTĐT ngày 19/12/2023 của Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông.
Chịu trách nhiệm chính: Chánh Văn phòng UBND tỉnh, Trưởng Ban biên tập
Trụ sở: Tầng 2, Trung tâm Hội nghị tỉnh, số 219 đường Tân Trào, phường Phan Thiết, thành phố Tuyên Quang.
© Bản quyền thuộc Cổng Thông tin điện tử tỉnh Tuyên Quang.

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