Tuyen Quang’s Famous Specialty: Arrowroot Vermicelli

28/01/2025 - 13:29
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Tuyen Quang is renowned for its numerous specialties, including dried bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, wood ear mushrooms, rice, and arrowroot vermicelli. As the Lunar New Year approaches, many homemakers eagerly seek out arrowroot vermicelli to grace their festive tables with hearty and delicious meals.

Tuyen Quang’s arrowroot vermicelli

Tuyen Quang’s arrowroot vermicelli (miến dong Tuyên Quang) is naturally soft, chewy, and possesses a delightful flavor. Notable brands include miến dong Hợp Thành and miến dong Hảo Hán. Compared to similar products on the market, miến dong Tuyên Quang stands out. It is meticulously handcrafted using the natural sweetness of arrowroot, combined with pristine water sourced from cool mountain springs.

Adhering to the motto "No bleaching agents, clean water certified for safety," miến dong Tuyên Quang ensures a safe and healthy product for consumers. Thanks to the skillful and experienced hands of local artisans, the vermicelli retains its natural flavor. After processing, the noodles are typically chewy, resistant to breakage, sweet, fragrant, and rich in the distinctive arrowroot flavor. These qualities make miến dong Tuyên Quang highly sought after, particularly during the Lunar New Year.

Mien dong Hợp Thành in Tuyen Quang

In traditional New Year feasts, alongside dishes such as boiled chicken, green rice savory (bánh chưng), spring rolls, and pork roll (chả lụa), miến dong dishes are a familiar and beloved staple. Miến dong is often cooked with chicken and fresh bamboo shoots, offering a simple yet incredibly delicious option. Chicken vermicelli soup is an essential component of traditional festive meals. Homemakers typically utilize chicken broth to create the soup, combining key ingredients such as miến dong, scallions, chicken innards, wood ear mushrooms, fried shallots, fish sauce, salt, and ground pepper.

Stir-fried miến dong with chicken innards is another delectable and appealing dish. After preparation, the chicken innards are stir-fried over medium heat for approximately 5–7 minutes until cooked. Then, soaked miến dong is added and quickly stirred for 2 minutes. Season to taste, turn off the heat, garnish with scallions and cilantro, plate the dish, and enjoy immediately. This simple dish is incredibly flavorful and satisfying.

Nguyen Thanh Hieu


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Giấy phép xuất bản số: 142/GP-TTĐT ngày 19/12/2023 của Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông.
Chịu trách nhiệm chính: Chánh Văn phòng UBND tỉnh, Trưởng Ban biên tập
Trụ sở: Văn phòng UBND tỉnh Tuyên Quang, số 160, đường Trần Hưng Đạo, phường Minh Xuân, thành phố Tuyên Quang
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